
Bowral Tulip Festival

by - October 18, 2017

If you are from Sydney who wants to see the beauty of spring right at your very own eyes but could not afford 6-hours back and forth drive to and from Canberra for Floriade Festival, Corbett Gardens could be the answer! 

Corbett Gardens which is located in Bowral, one of the Southern Highlands of New South Wales offers a large variety of tulips and other flowers that you could fall in love with. An hour and half drive from the busy city of Sydney, you could unwind and be one with nature. I personally like it because it is a very relaxing experience. It reminds me of Leura of Blue Mountains, a quite community with friendly and polite locals. It is better to visit there during weekday as there is not much people you would compete with to get nice photos. Warning: This post is overloaded with flower photos.

The Garden is not really humongous as a lot of people would expect but it houses one of the best tulip displays in Sydney. The best tip I could give when visiting a floral festival is that give a call to find out how the flowers are blooming since weather and time could dictate of  how the flowers would look like. As the Cliche goes, people do not follow their own advice. We did not call when we went there, we were just lucky risk takers.

Photo Above is a random snap where there are group of senior citizens performing a set of European folk dance. I often get humbled when experiencing different kinds of cultural encounters. It makes me realize how less I know about this world and its people. Also, in a way, it excites my curiosity of how people from different places are. Photo below is a man-made pond with real fishes swimming on it. 

On the photo above, I wanted to capture the anatomy of a tulip. What went wrong? Too much light, bad framing, incorrect lens and angle, less detailed. Photography Tips, anyone. Photo below shows a Church just outside the Corbett Garden. If my workplace is just located nearby, I would definitely move here.

As much as I want to keep other photos private, these last two pictures with my niece are just too beautiful and unjustifiable if won't be shared.

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  1. You've got some beautifully captured images. Gives me Spring Vibes.:)

    1. Thank you Sandra. The flowers are much more beautiful in person.
