
Dear Friend

by - February 17, 2013

Dear friend,

I feel guilty guilty of not telling you the version of truth that I know.
But you see, I am not in the position to tell you the truth behind the what you know is the truth.
I am not the right person to explain you things because that would mean exposing the sensitive truth of that person that you happened to care for. But some times I would wish that we will grab some drinks and pretend that we are drunk. And I will tell you what I know and I would be vindicated and would blame it to the alcohol. It is bothering me. And I hope you understand that people have their own mess but it doesn't mean how you know them is pretending. It is part of how they are. It is just, there are a lot of subparts of their parts that they would rather keep to themselves because this world is cruel or maybe you won't understand. I genuinely consider you as a friend. and I hope one day, you would understand. 

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