

by - July 01, 2014

“I was in an Australian military assigned somewhere in the middle east and there was this event when we had an encounter local protesters trying to get near to our camp. We were pushing them off using the barricade steel bar that separated our groups from them. And then, there was this peculiar woman wearing somewhat like a bag made of cloth in her chest, and she was screaming words at me using their language that I don’t understand. It was beyond my comprehension why she seemed to be very mad at me. After that, she showed me what was inside the cloth, it was a baby, squeezed and lifeless as a result our pushing and pulling of the steel bar from their party and ours. That was the most horrific and saddest day of my life”
A part of life from Mr SP. in which he wish to be forgotten but kept on hunting him on his dreams. She was diagnosed with post traumatic syndrome.

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